INAE Chair Professor,
Department of Physics, Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Kharagpur,
Kharagpur, West-Midnapur, West Bengal - 721 302, India. [Homepage]
Former Director,
S. N. Bose National Center for Basic Sciences (SNBNCBS),
JD Block, Sector III, Salt Lake City, Kolkata-700 106, India.
Office: C-139, Department of Physics, Main Academic Building
Tel: +91-3222-283-838
Email: physkr@phy.iitkgp.ac.in
1977 - 1980 - Bachelor of Science (B. Sc.), Krishnagar college, WB, India
1980 - 1982 - Master of Science (M. Sc.), IIT Kharagpur, India
1982 - 1984 - Master of Technology (M. Tech.), Material Science Center, IIT Kharagpur, India
1985 - 1991 - Doctor of Philosophy (Ph. D.), Electronics & Communication Engineering, IIT Kharagpur, India
Professional career:
1984 - 1985 - Scientist-B, Solid State Physics Laboratory (SSPL), Delhi, India
1991 - 1994 - Lecturer, Department of Physics, IIT Kharagpur, India
1995 - 1999 - Assistant Professor, Department of Physics, IIT Kharagpur, India
1995 - Visiting Scientist, Queen's University of Belfast, UK
1996 - Visiting Scientist, University of Texas at Austin, US
1999 - 2004 - Associate Professor, Department of Physics, IIT Kharagpur, India
2004 - Visiting Scientist, Max-Planck Institute, Stuttgart, Germany
2005 - National Taiwan University, Taiwan
2007 - Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan
2004 - 2010 - Full Professor, Department of Physics, IIT Kharagpur, India (on lien)
2010 - present - HAG Professor, Department of Physics, IIT Kharagpur, India
2011 - 2014 - Head of the Department (HOD) of Physics, IIT Kharagpur, India
2014 - 2016 - Founder Head of the School of Nanoscience & Technology (SNST), IIT Kharagpur, India
2015 - 2016 - Dean of Postgraduate Studies and Research (PGS&R), IIT Kharagpur, India
2016 - 2021 - Senior Professor and Director, S.N. Bose National Centre for Basic Sciences (SNBNCBS), Kolkata, India
2021- present- Senior Professor, Department of Physics, IIT Kharagpur, India
Prof. Ray has supervised twenty seven Ph.D. students (another twelve continuing at S. N. Bose Centre and IIT Kharagpur) and more than fifty dissertations in UG and PG levels. He has completed 16 sponsored research projects worth over Rs. 18 crores as a PI/Co-PI.
Prof. Ray is a recipient of the INSA Young Scientist Award (1993), Homi J. Bhabha Award (2001), MRSI-ICSC Superconductivity & Materials Science award (2015), MRSI medal lecture award (2007) and CDIL award of IETE (1997). He is a fellow of the National Academy of Sciences (NASI), Indian Nation Academy of Engineering (INAE) and West Bengal Academy of Science & Technology. Prof Ray has published more than 300 research papers in peer-reviewed journals, one US patent, six book chapters and co-authored a book on “Strained Silicon Heterostructures: Materials and Devices” published by IEE, UK. He has served as a visiting faculty / Scientist at the Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan, University of Delaware, Newark, USA, University of Texas, Austin, USA, Max-Planck Institute for Solid State Research, Germany, Queen’s University of Belfast, UK, National Taiwan University, Taiwan and Chang Gung University, Taiwan. He is an editorial board member of Nanotechnology (IOP, UK), Scientific Reports, Frontiers in Materials: Optics and Photonics – Switzerland, Journal of Nano Energy and Power Research – USA and Nanotrends, India. He serves in a number of National committees that include Nano Science Advisory Group of DST, DST PAC member on Condensed Matter Physics & Materials Science and International bilateral projects, PRSG member, Deity Centers of Excellence in Nanoelectronics and projects approved by the office of the Principal Scientific Adviser to the Government of India.
Prof. Samit. K. Ray has received many laurels and fellowship during his research career. He is a fellow of the National Academy of Sciences (NASI), Indian Nation Academy of Engineering (INAE) and West Bengal Academy of Science & Technology.
He has served as a visiting faculty / Scientist at the Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan; University of Delaware, Newark, USA; University of Texas, Austin, USA; Max-Planck Institute for Solid State Research, Germany; Queen’s University of Belfast, UK; National Taiwan University, Taiwan and Chang Gung University, Taiwan.
He is an editorial board member of Nanotechnology (IOP, UK), Scientific Reports, Frontiers in Materials: Optics and Photonics – Switzerland, Journal of Nano Energy and Power Research – USA and Nanotrends, India. He serves in a number of National committees that include Nano Science Advisory Group of DST, Chair, Nanoscience Domain, STARS program, MHRD, DST PAC member on Electronics and Computer Engineering, DST International bilateral projects and projects approved by the office of the Principal Scientific Adviser to the Government of India.